Rigorous selection

Whenever applicable, an application should pertinently address the following criteria on which the evaluation will be based (weighting factor between brackets 1 Low-3 High):

  1. Unmet medical need that will be addressed (3)
  2. Management (3)
  3. Market potential/competitor advantage (3)
  4. Valorisation strategy (3)
  5. Technological validation or preclinical proof of concept (3)
  6. Intellectual Property (IP): at least a Freedom To Operate or strategy (3)
  7. Match funding secured or strategy to do so (2)
  8. Access to quality samples (retrospective studies) or clinicians (prospective studies) with a clear presentation of IP aspects related to such collaboration (3)
  9. Access to bio statistical expertise (2)
  10. Access to industrial assay/device development & testing skills: both internal quality control measures and external quality assurance (2)
  11. Regulatory strategy (2)
  12. Planning and budget accuracy (2)
  13. Risk appraisal (success/failure ratio) according to existing data (2)
  14. Competition mapping (2)